May 11, 2020

Describe yourself—personality, skills, what you enjoy doing.

I am good, humble and God-fearing.  I want to be able to help my family.

What was your previous occupation?

I was just a plain housewife before I worked with Dignity.

What is your current position 

My task is to label jars. I do my task responsibly in order to ensure product quality.

What are your hopes for your kids or your family?

I want my children to finish their studies so that they can reach their dreams.

What is one thing you wish to do in your lifetime?

I like having a job so I could help my family.

What is something you are proud of (and why?) or what is something that makes you smile (and why?)

I am proud that I have a job at Dignity.

What is different about your life since starting to work at Dignity?

I am happy that I am now able to help my family.  It is a significant matter to be able to help my family.

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